Monday, 26 December 2011

Why are carrots good for you?

Carrots. First thing you think of is the usual boring vegetable, but in this post I will tell you everything about why they are so good for you!

  • They contain Vitamin K which is very good for your eyesight!

  • Nutrition including fresh vegetable juice such as carrots are great for better-looking skin. Carrot juice is used for skin health to provide glowing skin! One of the best ways to slow the ageing of skin is to ensure the skin is well hydrated by drinking fresh juice and plenty of water!

  • Carrot juice contains a lot of Vitamin A, which is a major vitamin for skin health. Carrots are rich in antioxidants, including phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals, which protect, nourish and moisturise the skin.

  • Carrot juice acts as an anti-inflammatory and revitalises and tones the skin.
  • Carrot juice is effective in maintaining soft, smooth disease free skin. So start drinking carrot juice today and tell me if you see a difference in your skin!

We hope you had a very merry Christmas and have a wonderful new year!
Maya Xx

Thursday, 22 December 2011


Hey, sorry it's been a while - Maya and I have been revising for exams have and been ill, but we're back and ready to write more posts for you!

I'm so excited for Christmas, but, as usual, I've been set holiday homework. In the holidays I always procrastinate and leave it to the last day to do my homework, which means I never relax in the holidays. But now when I do my homework I put away my phone and any other distractions - I always find myself on them! I'm going to give you a few tips on how to complete your homework and have an awesome holiday!

1) Avoid any distractions - they are the main reason you procrastinate, so avoiding distractions when working is key.

2) Have a small snack - brain power is essential, you don't want to be half asleep when doing homework. Having a snack can help you complete homework at a higher standard, keeps you more alert and gives you more energy to be determined to get your homework done and out of the way.

3) Try and create a goal or reward - doing this helps greatly as it makes you more determined to finish your homework and gives you something to work towards.

4) Working environment - try and work in a place with a good working environment is (eg quiet, no distractions etc)

5) Take short breaks - taking short breaks between each piece helps because it helps you to concerntrate and focus better.

6) Free time - think of the free time you will have to enjoy once your homework is complete - this will help motivate yourself to get your homework done.

Even though we hate homework, it has to be done. I hope these tips helped! Plenty of new posts coming soon. New posts every Monday and Thursday!

Also, check out our new Facebook page! We will be posting any new changes/updates, and  and let you know when a new post has been updated - we will also be happy to answer any questions you have.

Happy Christmas!
Much love, Olivia

Monday, 28 November 2011

Follow us on Twitter!

Hey everyone!
We are now on twitter, follow us! On our twitter account we will answer any of your questions to do with fashion, make-up etc. Our twitter name is: LiVita_X 
Our twitter is currently being made so please bare with us.
We'll update you soon.!/LiVita_X

Maya xx

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Look after your lips during the Winter!

During winter, your lips to chap a lot due to the lack of moisture in your lips and your body. The first step is to stay hydrated in the winter by drinking enough fluids!
Here are some tips on how to keep your lips nice and smooth during winter:

  • If you must go outside apply some lip balm e.g. Vaseline. This will start to protect your lips already.

  • You could wear something over your face, like a scarf. This will reduce the exposure of your lips to the cold winter weather.

  • Don't lick your lips! This will make your lips chap more easily.

  • As well as it being freezing outside, the could be some strong sunlight as well, use a lip balm with an SPF factor of 15 or above (Blistik has an SPF of 15). The sun does dry out your lips just like the dry air and wind.

  • If your lips to get chapped, keep them moisturized as much as possible!

Maya xx


Saturday, 26 November 2011

Secrets To Soft Skin

How is your skin so soft? I've heard this question many times and I'm going to give you all the tips I know and use in order to achieve soft skin.

  • Believe it or not, adding a few drops of baby oil in your bath does make a difference to the softness of your skin, try it out.
  • Or, another strange fact is if you use honey on your skin whilst having a shower it makes your skin immediately softer afterwards.
  • Also, you need to moisturise with cream regularly after baths or showers and your skin will be softer before you know it!

You have to treat your face slightly differently because it's very delicate. Recently, I dicsovered a new electrical beauty smoother in Boots. It works as a very fast soft area which you put near your face and it scrubs the skin very hard leaving it much smoother.

Personally, before I go to sleep I moisturise and add any spot cream if I need to - in the morning I find my skin a lot softer. I prefer adding moisturiser at night as I don't like my skin to be too shiny in the day from the moisturiser.

Sorry for the short post, we've been very busy recently and we've been revising for exams. Thank you :)

Olivia and Maya xx

Friday, 11 November 2011

The Instyler

The Instyler has become very popular recently as it has been shown on TV adverts. It's a hairstyler with a rolling barrel and a brush to keep your hair spread evenly around the barrel as it styles your hair. It doesn't cause heat damage like regular hairs straighteners and curlers and it can create many styles - you can experiment and find new techniques and looks.

(There are plenty of video tutorials on youtube on how to create certain looks with the Instyler.)


LiVita Update:

  • New posts every Monday and Thursday (this will start on Thursday).
  • Creating a Facebook page and Twitter account, links will be up soon.
  • Answering your questions.

We will keep you updated on any new changes,

Olivia x

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Top Tips On How To Keep Your Hair Healthy

Your hair can instantly change the way you look. Keeping it in good condition is very important as you can make it look and feel gorgeous...
1. Stay away from plastic bristle brushes. Use soft brushes to nourish your hair - you can also buy a hairbrush which conditions your hair.
2. Brush before you take a shower. This will help remove flakes and prevent product build up. If your hair gets tangled easily, try using a detangling spray for your hair. 
3. As the ends of your hair get older and damaged over time, they become prone to splitting.Try and get regular haircuts, just to trim and neaten your hair - usually about 1/2 inch every 4-8 weeks.
4.Wet hair snaps and stretches more easily than dry hair, so remember to be careful and gentle with it.
5. Remember to deep condition your hair once every two weeks. 
6. When rinsing your hair, try and get as much shampoo and conditioner out of your hair as possible to avoid bad dandruff.

Olivia x

Friday, 7 October 2011

How to take care of your skin

As everyones skin is different it is hard to take care of your skin and face - some people may have oily skin, sensitive skin, acne and even dry skin.

  • DRY SKIN - when you take a shower take a washcloth and rub the dry parts on your face with some soap on the cloth (you can also do this in the sink). Afterwards, dry your face and apply moisturiser to your face.
  • OILY SKIN - you can buy many different products but a favourite seems to 'Neutrogena' products as they act as a 'dryer' for your skin.
  •  ACNE - wash your face in warm water in the morning and before you go to bed if you dont like using creams. Changing your pillow case regularly can help reduce your acne as it holds onto makeup from your face, old dirt and oil. 'Proactive' and 'Clearasil' is working for most people too and 'Clean and Clear' is very good if you have sensitive skin.

Always remember to moisturise and shower regularly to stay looking gorgeous and healthy.

Olivia x

Friday, 19 August 2011

Back To School - Autumn Fashions

The holidays are coming to an end unfortunately, but you can still look fabulous when you walk back into school.

Autumn: Back To School Popular Fashions!

Lace is a big one for this autumn, its cute and ver' ver' fashionable. If it is slightly see-through, you can wear a coloured top underneath to brighten it up.

Feathers, feathers, feathers; they're everywhere! They are an essential for this autumn. You can get feathered hair clips, ear rings, necklaces and even clothing. They can be real, metal or any sort of material.

Crinkled scarves are great for accessorising your outfit just a bit further, plus they look super
cute if you wear them right.
Layer it up this autumn! The famous shirt, cardigan and belt fashion is a great example! With a thinner belt, belt up your shirt to accentuate your figure and to add shape to the outfit. With a bigger belt you can belt up the shirt and the cardigan.

Blazers are super cute with a shirt underneath, it is the perfect match with your shirt


Bold prints are a favourite this autumn, it adds personality to your outfit and can brighten it up! You can truly stand out.


Long cardigans/vests are a must, they can be put with almost everything. They're so cute and very comfy :)


Stripes are in this season, they add that extra pop to your wardrobe! Vertical stripes make you look taller, while horizontal stripes make you look slimmer.


Oversized jumpers are a definite fashion item - they're so cute and cosy.


Jumper/sweaters are in at the moment. You can wear them with almost anything; jeans, shorts, leggings are great examples. 


And finally...
Leather jackets! They're very cute and add a bit of attitude to your outfit!


Here are some examples of clothing :) There are plenty of different things on these sites so go have a good look!

- Striped Jumper - Forever 21
- Butterfly Laced Dress - Forever 21
- Feather Earring - Topshop
- Feather Hoop - Topshop
- Sweater - Hollister

Our homepage :)

Olivia x

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

High waisted shorts

High waisted shorts have hit off this summer! (I have recently bought two pairs of shorts as I love them so much) The summer sales are on, so go out there and have a shopping fest!

My shorts:
                  - Indigo high waist shorts from Topshop
                  - Vintage wash high waist shorts from Topshop

Just a quick one again :) 

Olivia x

Tuesday, 19 July 2011


Finally - Summer is here! 

Latest season fashion - Floral
              Floral prints have become a BIG part in our fashion recently and is a great, bright and vibrant fashion to jump headfirst into summer!


Just a quick post :)

Olivia x

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Cracked Nail Polish

Do you think it's possible to get a nail polish which cracks in seconds into a pretty pattern on your nails? Well Barry M have a new amazing nail polish which does exactly this!

It's very simple and neat to use, and produces pretty attractive patterns.

All you need is a base coat colour - personally I use a natural see-through colour before the base coat as it protects your nails from staining into the colour of the base nail polish. After putting on your base coat, simply paint over it with this cracking nail polish, and watch is crack beneath your eyes in a matter of seconds! I would recommend using quite a bright colour underneath if you want to be obvious.

So go and test it out bloggers! :)
Maya and Olivia xx

Monday, 20 June 2011


Check out our homepage :)
MaLivia: "
Maya and I love to blog about make-up the latest fashions, photography and more.
(Run by Olivia and Maya)

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Stop that spot!

I know what it's like to get ugly spots on your face. In this post I will tell you about the good tonics and techniques I use which help me reduce and get rid of spots - they really do help me, I hope they help you too!

Firstly, never touch your face too much - you're carrying a lot of grub on your hands and will just increase the number of spots you will get. Always try and wash your hands, and especially your face, in the morning and before you go to bed.

I use a tonic called: 'Avene Eau Thermale Cleanance Toner'
which cleans your skin and gives it the minerals it needs!

Lastly, if you do have a nasty spots, there are many different types of spot sticks you can get, which really do make a difference and help get rid of spots. They have a wide selection in cosmetic shops e.g. 'Boots' and 'Superdrug'. Personally I use the Nivea spot stick called 'Stop That-Spot!'
Maya xx and edited by Olivia :)

Sunday, 29 May 2011

What does your hair colour say about you?

Blonde hair:
Your hair colour is a very delicate shade, you are very gentle but very sexy at the same time! People define silly people by calling them "Blondes" in fact I think they are very wrong. Blondes are very sociable and love a good old joke and laugh at mostly anything!

Brown hair: 
You're a very calm and enjoyable person to be around with! Brown haired people can be very clever, reliable, and beautiful. People always go to brunettes to solve problems!

Red hair:
Many people call red heads "beautiful" -  I agree with this! You red heads out there, have lovely original different hair. Most red heads are very fashionable, kind and clever. But they like to keep to themselves time to time.

Black hair:
You have a very bright personality, most people think of black haired people to be grumpy most of the time - but that is wrong. They are clever too and also very pretty.

We have also done a video on a prom hairstyle on youtube and we will be uploading it very soon!

Maya x

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

LiVita on youtube, what do YOU think?


Maya and I are going to do a youtube channel based on Livita, showing you some techniques and tutorials on how to do different hair styles and make-up! We will also be answering any questions you guys have, they can be anything at all! :) So, please let us know what you think and tell us what our first video should be about! :)

Olivia and Maya x

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Liquid eyeliner

Sorry we haven't posted in so long, we have been very busy recently, but here is a new post for you :)

Whilst on my holiday in America I went into a make-up shop called 'Sephora' which has lots of different brands so its great to buy your favourite make-up.

I absolutely love the make-up brand 'Urban Decay' - and unfortunately our shops here stopped selling them because they were only featured for a certain amount of time - so when I saw the sign in Sephora I had to check it out! I found tons and tons of awesome products and they also had a huge array of liquid eyeliners.

I chose 'crash' for my eyeliner because I have green eyes and purple brings out the green in eyes. The eyeliner is a light shade of purple - and it is sparkly too. If your not sure whether you like the colour, make sure you use the tester as it may look different outside the pot. (If you don't know what colour eyeliner suits you, ask a member of staff, I'm sure they would be happy to help.)

When I apply my liquid eyeliner, I use an eye pencil to start with as a base, then I move onto the liquid eyeliner. Apply it evenly on your penciled lines to keep it neat and wait to dry. (The liquid eyeliner only takes a few seconds to dry). Once finished, use a make-up wipe and carefully wipe away any messy bits.

Also, please let us know what you think in the comments so we can decide what sort of posts to publish next :)

Olivia x

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Busy busy busy....

Me and Olivia haven't been posting many blogs lately not only because it's the Easter holiday's but also because I (Maya) went skiing and came back yesterday. Olivia is in America on a crazy roller coaster as we speak :)
I will try my best to carry on writing blogs for you, sorry for the wait!

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

What does your eye colour show?

 (If you're not one colour or a lighter/darker shade just read the one closest to your colour).

People with blue eyes are well known for being adorable or cute. They are very kind and love to make new friends. With their polite and hilarious attitude, they will knock 'em dead!
Weak point-
People with blue eyes are well known for being shy in general.

People with brown eyes are very wise and don't let anyone tell them what to do. They are great friends and cheer people up easily! They are very kind and mysterious sometimes.
Weak point- 
Sometimes they can be too shy to tell someone how they really feel.

People with green eyes are most passionate in relationships. They are trustworthy and have a great humour and crack up any jokes and make you laugh - they are also very pretty.
Weak point-
People with green eyes tend to get jealous sometimes and come up with good come-backs. (Watch out!)  ;)
Hope you liked this post! We will be posting more very soon!

Maya and Olivia xx

Monday, 28 March 2011

What does your hairstyle say about YOU?

Messy Bun

You don't care about looking perfect, you are happy to put your hair up and walk out the door. This hairstyle is great for lazy days or days where you just want to feel comfortable. It can be a really good hairstyle - you can add a cute hair clip, a hairband or any hair accessory you like to liven it up - but sometimes its good to leave it plain. Overall, you are a great person to be around and you don't care much about your appearance. (Lots of celebrities nail this look too!) Overall, you are very practical and you dont like to fuss around. 

Ponytail and side ponytail

This style can be gorgeous. You can keep your hair straight or curl it, you can put a hair accessory on or you can do anything you like with it - be creative and make it your own. You can put it to the side to show you have a bit of attitude. Overall, you like to be practical and stylish at the same time.


You have a girly side and you love to be smiling. You have a bubbly personality and you love to be happy. All your friends love your happiness. Overall, you are a joy to be with. 


You have a very fashionable side and you love to feel glamorous. You are a person who cares about their looks, but not overly conscious. Overall, you love to have sleek hair and you are great to be with. 

Short Hair 

This can reveal that you are quite artistic and you want to express yourself through your hair style. It can also mean that you a sophisticated and you like to be organised and neat. You have a great character and you don't tend to like 'blending in with the crowd' - you like being an individual. Overall, you are a fun and an ambitious person. 

Long Hair

You like to have fun with your friends and you are quite easy going. You like to have long flowing hair and sometimes like to experiment with lots of hair styles. Overall, you like to experiment with different hair styles. 

Multi-Colored Hair, Unique Styles

You are a unique individual - you don't care what other people think about your appearance. You are confident and outgoing and you love to express yourself (usually through your appearance). Overall, you are a fun person to be with and you are full of energy. 


You love to be original and stand out. You prefer to keep your hair out your face and preffer people looking at your face more. You can put your plait into a bun or a pony tail or just loose. Remember to experiment! You're a Pippi Longstocking in the making!

Olivia and Maya x

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Foundation disasters

As you know, I LOVE natural make-up! I love how you can wear it anywhere at anytime, its quick and easy to apply, but unfortunately for some, that isn't a look they desire. Some girls at my school look like they shoved their head in a packet of doritos! When they are wearing a white top you can see the orangy coloured marks, plus if they hug someone the foundation often comes of and goes onto their clothes - a definate no-no for me. I'm not saying that you shouldn't wear foundation as it isn't my choice, but I would suggest not to pile it on.
I use a bit of tinted moisturizer - not only is it a moisturizer it also has sun block in it too! You can add a bit of colour and stay safe from the sun! :) It is very easy to apply, you just smooth it on evenly just like you normally would. (You can get any subtle colour to suit your skin tone).          

If you are unsure what tone would suit you, ask the people who are selling the item or even ask any member of staff you see around the shop - they will tell you exactly what tone to choose for you.

Of course foundation or concealer is great for covering spots or any blemishes on your face, however, not everyone uses foundation in huge masses or every day, some people put on a bit to add a tone to their face.

There is one thing to look out for though - STREAKS! If you don't apply your foundation/tinted moisturizer (or whatever product you use) you will have streaks on your face, this is NOT a good look - it seems tacky and cheap. Make sure you apply it evenly. To help you to avoid streaks, you can buy sponges or brushes to apply the product (some products come with it).

A huge thank you to Rose - the inspiration for this post :) Go check which is run by the lovely Rose and Sarah.

Olivia x